Brand guidelines
In order to guarantee the guidance, support and accompaniment of Peruvian service exporters, it is sought that companies or professionals interested in being part of our programs, in their different stages, are aligned with the fundamental pillars of Perú Xpert:
Perú Xpert is a brand that turns the services sector into a new and competitive exportable offer. It focuses on identifying the added value of companies in Peru and facilitating their location in international markets.
Its purpose is to achieve that the Peruvian market is recognized in the world as a powerful developer of specialized business solutions, oriented to the needs of the client, being competitive and innovative.
Thus, all its actions are carried out based on values such as:

Inherent in our service to compete globally.

Always providing the best service leads us to constant effort.
Adaptability and flexibility
Reinvention is part of our day to day to compete in the world.
Our standards lead to having the best in the different areas.
Pride and passion
We wear the shirt of the Peruvian business community.
We differentiate ourselves by behavior and a business culture based on ethics.
PROMPERÚ thus agglomerates, varied quality services, with guarantee and totally competitive; entering the highest standards through excellence and trust.
In this way, those Peruvian companies that meet the necessary requirements and that have a purpose, culture and service aligned with the way Perú Xpert proceeds, will be able to contact licensees.
Find here, the application for your registration:
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